Is Charging Money or Renumeration Compulsory for Imparting Reiki


William Lee Rand says “No”. Reiki is same while you heal somebody whether you charge for it or not. There is absolutely no diffierence in healing qualities if you give it free. It is not compulsory in Usui System of Reiki. Here I reproduce an article written by Willium Lee Rand with refencene. The name of the article is “Is Charging a Fee Always Necessary?”

Let us see what is the view of William Lee Rand

In western Reiki there is the assumption made by some that you should always receive payment or some form of energy exchange for a Reiki treatment. Many believe that if you don’t do this, problems are going to occur. Reiki is unusual in the healing field in this respect as other methods of healing don’t have this requirement. And in fact some healing schools and individuals have the opposite idea stating that you should never charge for healing.

Because of this, many have wondered where this idea came from and if it is valid. Research indicates that Mrs. Takata was the one who added this rule to her training. And because of her story about Usui sensei and his problems with the beggars it’s believed that he was the one who created it. Also, according to another of her stories, Hayashi sensei also recommended that one always charge money for Reiki sessions.

However, research indicates that this doesn’t seem to be the case. In October, 2001, I traveled to Kyoto, Japan along with a number of other Reiki practitioners to take Reiki I&II training from Mrs. Yamaguchi and her son Tadao. Mrs. Yamaguchi had been a student of Hayashi sensei’s, having assisted him in many of his trainings which were held at her home when she was a young woman.

In the training we received from her in Kyoto, we learned many interesting things including a ritual called Reiki Kohan in which we each received a blessing from Mrs. Yamaguchi whose purpose was to increase the effectiveness of our Reiki. We were also told by her that Hayashi sensei did not require payment for Reiki sessions at his clinic. His treatments were free as they were intended for people too poor to afford regular medical care. This contradicts the idea that one must always require payment or something in return for Reiki sessions.

We are not sure why Mrs. Takata added the requirement for payment, but if Hayashi sensei didn’t practice this way, then it can be safely assumed that the idea that one must require payment or an energy exchange for Reiki sessions isn’t part of the Usui system. Therefore, Reiki is no different than anything else in this respect. You have the right to charge any fee you decide you’d like to charge or to can give Reiki sessions free if that’s what you feel is right.

For reference go to Website 

Healing Fear

Why afraid of healing – let us see what William Ree Rand says on healing. Read the following carefully —————

Fear is rarely useful and the events of September 11 and those that have continued to unfold challenge us to remain centered in our hearts and continue to live our lives in a meaningful way.  Allowing ourselves to dwell on worrisome thoughts or to remain caught in the grip of fear prevents us from living our lives resourcefully, making it difficult to find the best solutions to our own issues.  Fear also weakens our ability to send positive thoughts, prayers and Reiki to those in need and to take effective action.

Because of this, it is important that we first focus on our internal state and be aware of any fear that may exist.  For some, the fear is obvious, but for many, there may be a low-grade fear that lingers in the background and mostly goes unrecognized. By first being aware of your fear, you will then be able to use your healing skills to release it.

There are many techniques one can use to release fear. This one makes use of two Reiki II symbols.  First take a moment to do some introspection and become more aware of your internal state.  Look for any fear(s) that may exist and see if you can localize this energy to any one part of your body or energy field.  Then draw the emotional/mental symbol on your hands, followed by the power symbol and treat the area you have discovered.  At the same time, repeat a positive affirmation.  Use ones like this or create your own:  “I release all fear into the light and it is gone forever.”  Or, “I am always centered in the light and completely let go of all fear now.”

As you do this, you may notice your attention changing from events taking place now to things that have happened in the past.  This is an opportunity to heal more deeply and to release those deeper fears as well.  Just continue with the process as these deeper fears come up.  By doing this, you will be transforming a challenging situation into a positive healing experience. Do this as often as needed.  This technique can also be used to treat others. 

By remaining centered in positive thoughts and feelings and allowing yourself to feel joy and peace, you will be helping those around you and be in a better place to send healing for others and for the planet. Remember, you are powerful, you are strong and you are centered in the light!

Taken from the Article “Heaing Fear – William Lee Rand” published in Williams Magazine.

One Response to “Is Charging Money or Renumeration Compulsory for Imparting Reiki”

  1. Spirituality With Reiki — The Crown Chakra « My Blog Says:

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